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    Hitmans Dreams Dream 1

    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans Dreams Dream 1

    Clip Description

    Introductory part is the general for all four clips:

    “alexander is a hitman for hire, working out of moscow.

    one day, he receives an email on his laptop, with information of his next job. This time, it's actually a double target job, and he smiles when he sees who the targets are.
    one of the targets is the girlfriend of a bar owner who had hired him in the past, ending with alexander's girlfriend at the time, helena getting killed and alexander himself ending up in prison. Alexander was just released from prison just a few months earlier, and he had swore revenge for mikhail, the bar owner's, betrayal. And now alexander will finally get his revenge, after 15 years in jail.

    the main target was maria, mikhail's new, young and gorgeous girlfriend. Alexander took his time to learn all about maria's daily routines, where she was at any given time, with whom, and at what time.
    the other target was maria's friend, co-worker and room mate, anna. She was almost as beautiful as maria. Both ***** were working as secretaries in a big corporation, so they always dressed very sweet and lovely when going to work. The dress code for the secretaries at the office was a white blouse, buttoned all the way, and a skirt.

    alexander looked at the pictures of the targets and started planning how to do this...The man who ordered the hit had a somewhat unusual request, he wanted pictures of the ***** as they were lying dead, as proof of the job being done.
    as he sat there, in front of his computer, he felt rather ******, so he went over to the sofa for a little nap.
    he fell ****** quite quickly, and in his dreams he could see how to perform the hit on maria and anna.”

    description of the first clip:

    “hitman’s dreams dream 1"

    he arrived at the apartment belonging to the *****, and he silently went inside.

    the first one he saw was anna, standing in the living room, talking on the phone. Alexander started to sneak silently towards the young beauty. As he came up behind her, he pulled out a knife. Then he quickly put his arm around her throat, and stabbed anna in the back.
    alexander pulled the knife back out, and turned anna around to face him. He held the knife up so that she could see it, the blade was dripping with *****, her *****.Anna looked at him in terror.
    alexander smiled and stabbed anna once more. He could feel how the sharp blade entered her body, and he saw the red ***** spreading onto her beautiful, white blouse as the blade disappeared into her chest.
    he pulled the knife back out and stabbed her again. He caught anna and slowly put her on the table on her back. She looked at alexander, and she begged him to make the pain go away. He raised the knife over the badly wounded **** and stabbed her right in the heart, twice! Then, he stabbed poor anna one final time, right in the middle of her chest, right between her breasts, burying the knife deep in her.

    he gently stroked her cheek. Now, where is maria...?
    suddenly, he heard a noise. It was maria. She entered the living room, and she ran to her dead friend, and kneeled beside her, crying.
    she never noticed alexander hiding in the corner of the room, and he snuck up behind her, and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her up and turning her around.
    she started to scream, but he shut her up by stabbing her repeatedly in the area around her heart as he held her by the throat. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears of pain and terror as alexander stabbed her over and over, a lot of stabs!When maria went all still and silent, he lifted her and carried to the sofa. He then stood there, watching the two *****, they were both dead, their pretty, white blouses were soaked in *****. He took pics with a digital camera provided by the man who had ordered the hit.”

    fetish elements: stabbing (a lot of stabs), lift and carry, white blouses, black skirts, stockings, heels.

    starring: kristina malina and bella belaya

    run time: 15:30 mins.
    687 mb

    Clip Duration:      16 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv687.47 MB

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    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans Dreams Dream 1

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans Dreams Dream 1

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans Dreams Dream 1

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans Dreams Dream 1

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans Dreams Dream 1

    AGASVERUS PRODUCTIONS - Hitmans Dreams Dream 1

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